Contact Us
Please contact our Administrator Sarah Kelly at or Audrey French by phone: 01 4527544.
Currently we are not able to arrange viewing appointments unless already booked in to start with us. We will arrange appointments at times that our suitable for the children our care as their needs are our priority as all children will be in our care, we do not do viewings at times of rest or meals.
If you are interested in booking a place with us we have a cancellation list which can be accessed here,
We are fully booked so the cancellation list will be contacted if a child booked in cancels their place. Our list is for all age groups, if a place becomes available in a particular age for example Wobbler (1year-2year) the first child of this age group will get contacted for the place. They will be given a week to book the place thereafter the place will be offered to the next child in that age group. Due to the ratio required in the rooms only places who can go into the age group of the child leaving will be offered the place so for example a child with a November birthday can move on a child a year younger will be offered that place. With the current child care crisis - due staffing constraints and funding we can not currently guarantee we will be able to offer any places off the list. If children leave or the situation changes we will be in touch with parents who are on top of the list based on the age group available. This may mean that children born after your child are offered a space based on the places available. We are not in a position to give place numbers on the waiting list as of May 2024.
We are in unprecedented times with demand for childcare places and we must run our business based on the needs of the children in our care for this reason any decisions to take children are under our discretion.
Once completed you will automatically be placed on our cancellation list for this year or if in the future our waiting list.
We are based beside Tymon Park at 11 Lugnaquilla Avenue, Green Park, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Find us on Google Maps